Pet owners must always make sure that they create a suitable living environment for their pets. Oftentimes, certain things that we may consider harmless are actually hazardous to are pets.
It could even be simple household items that you may use. Hence, it is important to check that you are keeping these items away from your pets; otherwise, they will manifest themselves as a host of perils for your pets.
Keeping your pets safe is a year-round duty, and so if you optimize the environment for your pets, it will go a long way in keeping them healthy and safe. Here is a useful list of the things you can do with regards to pet-proofing your surroundings:
Keep forbidden foods away
Some of the foods we consume are not suitable for animals. For example, dogs should never consume chocolate, avocados, grapes or nuts. If these items are easily accessible to your pets, move them to higher grounds or hide them in cabinets where your pets can’t smell or find them. Our dogs should not consume such food items because they can do significant damage to their digestive systems!
Say no to exotic house plants
Yes, it might be tempting for some people to consider growing exotic plants in their homes, but some of these plants might be poisonous. Pets are curious animals and they tend to “investigate” whatever is present in their immediate surroundings. In such situations, it will spiral into a dangerous medical emergency if they chew or bite into plants such as mistletoe, lilies, oleanders, and tulips.
Keep certain household items in proper storage areas
Never leave items such as antifreeze, pesticides, and herbicides, as well as low-lying electrical cords exposed to your pets. Strangely, dogs find antifreeze enticing to consume! Also, some pets may gnaw on electrical cords continuously during their teething phase and may end up exposing the wires inside. Prevention is key… in ensuring any major harm comes to your Pets!
Don’t let the heat overcome your pets
If you find it unbearable during hot weather, have you thought about how your pets can be affected by the scorching heat? They can get easily dehydrated, sunburnt and might even suffer a heat stroke. Outdoor pet shelters should never be built on asphalt – it will become so hot that you might even get scalded if you place your hands long enough on an asphalt surface. Ensure that there is proper air ventilation as well as constant access to water and shade for your pets during hot days.
After all, that is done… a visit to the vet is a must!
No matter how many precautions we put in place, your pet must still be screened for any possible diseases from time to time. It is an essential step to keep illnesses in check as well as a precious chance to get the best pet advice from veterinarians. For example, pets and their bad dietary habits can be corrected when you learn how to rectify the situation. Otherwise, negligence or ignorance will be harmful to their health!